September 27, 2012

Your Face Speaks Everything

This post will be long wordy ones, but i choose to believe to be safe than sorry into research of 'feng shui' about my life. So i googled search all these articles.

  • 1-3
As a child, you are somewhat rebellious and a free spirit. You have an innate creativity and work best when you are given a free hand. Generally, your superiors like your avante garde approach to life. If you ha4ve a mole here, you are far better off in business and being your own boss rather than working for somebody. What is promising is that you have the luck to be your own boss.

  • 4
You are an impulsive person, often acting with a flamboyance that gives you charisma and a sparkling personality, but you can be difficult when there are too many opinions. You tend to be rather argumentative, but never to the point of holding grudges. This mole tends to give you an explosive temper and should you decide to remove it, you will find yourself becoming calmer and more at peace with the world.
  • 5
A mole above the eyebrow indicates that there is wealth luck in your life, but you will need to earn it and work harder than most people. all the income you make must be carefully kept as there are people who are jealous of you who might attempt sweet talk you into parting with your wealth. Be wary of those who try to interest you in get-rick-quick schemes. It is advisable not to be too trusting of others. Follow your instincts and be cautious. And never allow people to control your finances. 
  • 6
It indicates intelligence, creativity and skill as an artist. Your artistic talent can bring you wealth, fame and success. It also indicates wealth luck, but this can only be fully realized if you follow your heart rather than stick to conventional means if making a living. Success will come if you are brave.
  • 7
Indicates arguments within the extended family that cause you grief and unhappiness. This will affect your work and  livelihood. It is advisable to settle any differences you have with your relatives if you want peace of mind to move ahead.
  • 8
This is not a very good position for a mole. Your financial position will constantly be under strain because of a tendency to overspend. You also have a penchant for gambling. The only thing is you must know when to stop. Meanwhile, someone with a mole here has a tendency to flirt with members of the opposite sex as well as the same sex. Better be a little discerning where you exert your charms, or you might get into trouble. 
  • 9
This mole position suggests sexual and other problems. It is an unfortunate mole and you are well advised to get rid of it. It brings a litany of woes and a parade of problems. 
  • 10
A mole here just under the nose indicates excellent descendants luck. You are surrounded by family at all times and will have many children and grandchildren. You have the support of those close to you and will be both materially and emotionally fulfilled. 
  • 11
Moles here suggest a tendency to succumb to illness. It is a good idea to have this mole removed especially if it is a large, dark-coloured mole. Otherwise use lots of foundation to cover it. 
  • 12
A mole here foretells a successful but also a very balanced life. You are likely to be not just rich, but famous as well. But although you have every opportunity to live the high life, you will have a satisfying home and family life as well. Women with moles here are particularly lucky and tend to be beautiful and glamourous as well. 
  • 13
Your children will be a big worry in your life. Your relationship with them is not good. There is nothing much you can do about this except to learn some tolerance. 
  • 14
A mole here suggests a vulnerability to food which can be a big problem in your life. You may have allergies against certain foods or you may simply be eating too much. 
  • 15
You are a person always on the move and constantly renovating and redesigning your house. You like to be introduced to new things and see new places. You are not happy if you remain in one place for long. You enjoy travel and adventure, and have a very observant eye. 
  • 16
You need to be careful when it comes to eating, and also when it comes to your sex life. These are your two biggest problems. You tend to have weight issues which can make you depressed. You enjoy romance, sometimes with more than one person, but because you are a person with some morality, you will feel guilty about it and this will cause you much stress. 
  • 17
You will be someone of great social prominence. You are active on the social scene and an excellent conversationalist. There is a tendency to become bigheaded about your success, which could lose you your good name. This will affect you deeply because you draw your confidence and self worth from what others think of you. 
  • 18
You are a person always on the move. There is a great deal of overseas travel in your life, but you should take extra care each time you cross the great waters, as your mole prefers you to stay at home. 
  • 19
You have money luck and many good friends, so this is a good mole to have. Your weakness is that you tend to succumb to the charms of the opposite sex. In your life, it is this that could get you into hot water, so do cool your ardour! 
  • 20
A mole here can be very lucky or very unlucky. If you have a mole here, you are destined either for extreme fame or infamy. You have great flair for creativity and are also highly intelligent, but your talents can be used for both good and bad. You are not a person to be trifled with for you are no pushover and do not forgive and forget easily. This mole is a mark of someone who will go down in history either as a great or as a tyrant. 
  • 21
This is a good mole, as it suggests plenty to eat and drink throughout your life. This mole also brings fame and recognition. 
  • 22
Your life is always happy and things go smoothly for you. You could well become a sports superstar if you have the passion for it. Moles at the end of eyebrows also suggest a person of authority and power, so if you are the CEO of a company, you will do very well.
  • 23
You have a high IQ, and you are both brain smart and street smart. You have a highly-developed survival instinct and will lead a meaningful and long life. You will be active until a very old age and will have friends and family around you till the very end. 
  • 24
You will achieve fame and fortune in your young age and you are advised to use this period to safeguard your old age, as people with moles here tend to have a harderlife as they get older. 
  • 25
You will enjoy good prosperity and recognition luck, but do be careful of excesses. Stay traditional in your attitudes and you will have a long and fruitful life. 

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Not only that, i also googled search for more summary ones

The following points are given for gents. But they are equally applicable to ladies also.

The moles on the top (crown) of the head are visible only if the head is shaven. If a mole is found on the right side of the head, the person will excel in politics. If the mole is in red or green color, then he will become minister. He can also be a president leading a society or business organization. He will have social status and success in every walk of life.

If the mole is at the left side of the head, then the native will not have enough money. Generally, he will not marry and spends his life in roaming. He will lead a spiritual life and gives spiritual discourses. There would be an interest in literature also. Moles at the back side of the head represent weakness of ladies. Such a person will be attached to his wife. He earns more money but he will not have a good name in the society.

If the forehead is wide and there is a mole on the right side of the forehead, then it denotes wealth. The native becomes wealthy and receives good name and fame in the society. He will help others and will have devotion to God. If the mole on the forehead is located at left side and the forehead is narrow, then the person will be selfish and does not help any one. Others will not give him any respect.

If the mole is on the right side temple, it denotes early marriage and beautiful wife. There is a possibility of sudden and unexpected arrival of money. If the mole is at the left temple, it also denotes sudden marriage and sudden wealth. There will be losses in the business. People do not like them for any reason.

Eye brows
If there is a mole in the middle of the eyebrows, it denotes leadership qualities, wealth, name and fame. Such a native likes luxuries and women. If the mole is found on the right eyebrow, there will be early marriage with a good lady. The native becomes lucky after marriage. It is better if he invests in his wife’s name. If the mole is on the left eyebrow, the person will be unlucky. He cannot utilize the money properly and faces troubles in the job or business.

Eye lids
A mole on the right eyelid brings wealth. The native becomes rich slowly. He will have inner pride and feels that he is great. Expenditure will be more. He will spend money for God either by constructing temples or for performing pujas. A mole on the left eyelid represents a general life. The person earns meager amount of money. He is prone to jealousy from others.

A mole in the inner part of top eyelids represents a lucky and wealthy person. On the other hand, mole in the inner part of lower eyelids represents domestic troubles and lack of luck.

A mole in the right eye gives easy – money. Even if the person doesn’t work, he will become rich suddenly out of sheer luck. A mole in the left eye represents an arrogant person who would be after ladies. He will have a secret and illegal connection with ladies.

Moles at the eye socket (corner towards the ear) represent a generous and peaceful person. But there is possibility of sudden death. Moles at the eye socket (corner towards the nose bridge) represent death of one the children and grief for the native.

A mole any where on the ear represents good earnings and luxurious life. Expenditure will be uncontrollable. There may be danger of drowning. A mole at the backside of the ear represents a person who follows customs. He will get his wife from a higher family. 

A mole on the tip of the nose represents quick thinking and quick temper. Such a person will have high self-respect and generally win on others.

A mole at right side of the nose represents more money with fewer efforts. A mole at the left side of the nose gives bad results. The native involves into prostitution.

A mole on the bridge between nostrils represents obstacles in getting the job and loss of money. A mole below the nose represents good sexual drive. The native possesses a large family and many children.

A mole which is located exactly in the middle of the chin represents a lofty person who receives laurels from others.

Moles on the right side of the chin represent logical thinking and diplomatic nature. They can convince others with their speech. Their earnings will be very good and they get name and fame easily. Moles on the left side of the chin represent a person who talks straight forward and hence people do not like him. He becomes quarrelsome. Expenditure will be uncontrollable.

A mole on the upper lip represents a person who does good to every one. There will be weakness of ladies and luxurious items. A mole on the lower lip represents a person who loves good food. He will have interest in acting and theatre arts.

A mole on the inner side of the upper lip represents a person skilled in mantras and mystic forces. A mole on the inner side of the lower lip represents a person who becomes a drunkard and losses money on speculation.

Moles on the right cheek represent a sensitive person who gives a lot of respect to his parents. He loves his wife and relatives. He enjoys wealth and health and lives long. Moles on the left cheek represent a person who is introvert and an arrogant person. He would face troubles in the life. But he will be happy in the old age because of his children.

A mole on the middle of the tongue indicates obstacles in the education. The native may not be able to talk fluently and there will be health problems.

A mole on the tip (outer edge) of the tongue represents a person who can convince others with his speech. He is intelligent and diplomatic. He loves good food and his children will have good future.

A mole on the back side of the neck represents angry and aggressive person. Generally such a person involves into anti-social activities. A mole on the front side of the neck represents an artistic person with sweet voice. His life will settle well after his marriage.

Moles on right shoulder represent brave and courageous person who will not sleep until finishing any project. Moles on the left shoulder represent a person who involves into quarrels with others.

A mole on the right side of the chest indicates more female progeny. Financial problems trouble him. But he receives due respect from others. A mole on the left side of the chest represents a person who is clever and who does not maintain good relation with his relations and friends. Financial problems are common for him. A mole exactly in the middle of the chest represents heavy financial problems. Such person involves into heavy debts. But he will have devotion to God.

A mole in the right armpit represents desire for wealth. A mole in the left armpit represents desire for ladies.

A mole on the right ribs represents a person with a lot of inner fear. He lies easily. A mole on the left ribs represents a person whose earning will be average.

A mole on the right side of the stomach indicates good earnings and weakness of ladies. A mole on the left side of the stomach represents a jealous person who likes to earn easy money. He will possess some agriculture lands. A mole nearer to navel cavity represents luxurious life. Such a person is loud-mouthed.

A mole on the right hand indicates a person who completes any task by tenacity and intelligent. A mole on the left hand indicates a person who wants to become rich but stays at average level.

A mole on the left or right elbow represents wealth and success. The native likes fine arts. He helps others and gets help from others. A mole on the wrist represents childhood in poverty. He becomes a writer or painter. He will be devotional. His income increases when he becomes aged.

Moles on any part of the inner palm are not good. They represent various obstacles.

Moles on any part of the fingers are not good. They represent various obstacles.

A mole any where nearer to the backbone represents name and fame. Such a person becomes a leader or minister.

A mole on the right side of the back represents good health and courage. A mole on the left side of the back represents completing the tasks by diplomacy.

Moles on the right buttock represent wisdom and creativity. The person will become an artist. Moles on the left buttock represent poverty. The person leads a deprived life.

Moles any where on the genitals represent excessive desire for sex. Such persons generally will have a paramour.

Moles on the right thigh represent valor. The person will have an opportunity to go abroad. He will be profited from a lady, either from his wife or from other woman. Moles on the left thigh make the person skilled in some art. He becomes lazy and will have fewer friends.

A mole on the right calf represents success in all ventures. There will be benefits from ladies. The native may involve into politics. A mole on the left calf represents journeys due to job or business. There will be many friends.

A mole on the right ankle represents foresightedness. The native will be endowed with gift of gab. The person will have a lot of belief in God. A mole on the left ankle represents devotion towards God. He talks less. At some point of life, the person faces legal problems.

A mole on the right foot represents a good spouse and family life. He will have devotion to God. A mole on the left foot represents creates problems with spouse. The person faces financial problems and wrath of others. Moles on the bottom of the feet represent journeys, enemies and licentious nature. The person will be a lover of fine arts. 

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1. Parents region:
The position where the hair starts at the top of forehead represents parents and the person's relationship with them. If this area is smooth and shining, the person's parents are fortunate in matters of health and career and the person's childhood is filled with happiness. If this area is indented or with dull skin color then the person's parents face troubles during his childhood.
2. Career and Success region:
We have this area below the Parents region and above the eyebrows. If this position is good, gently rounded and bright, it represents good career prospects and early settlement in the career. If this area is indented or hollow and dark in color, it shows the person's intelligence will not help him in his career and misfortune from his 21st to 25th years.
3. Life region:
This area lies between the eyebrows. If it is firm, bright, gently rounded, then it symbolizes a successful career after 27th year of age. It represents a friendly person with positive attitude towards life. If the space between eyebrows is wide and eyebrows are thick the person earn good money and his longevity is also good. If the eyebrows are closer and there is a hair line connecting the two eyebrows, it is a sign of negative mind who is obstinate and unforgiving. If this Life region is dull or any colors found there, it represents unhappiness in career and poor health.
4. Middle age region:
This region starts at center of the eyes and covers till the end of the nose tip. Any cross lines, patches and black spots in this region represent ill health and problems with the spouse in the middle age.
5. Love and Emotional region:
This is the area below the two eyes. If this area is bright, bulgy and rounded, the person will have deep emotional involvement. He or she will fall in love easily and whole heartedly. If this area has wrinkles or low and not smooth, then the person faces failures in love affairs due to selfishness or over indulgence.
6. Fertility and children region:
This area represents the groove which connects the nose with the center of the upper lip. This is also called philtrum. A long, broad and deep philtrum indicates good fertility and ability to have children. It also represents long life. When the philtrum is low or flat, it represents less energy and childlessness. A short philtrum represents early death.
7. Old age region:
This is the region below the lower lip which is also called the chin. If this area is strong, rounded and spacious, it represents happiness in old age after 60th year. If this area is low with a weak jaw and dark hue, it indicates unhappy and friendless old age. It also represents dangers of drowning, poisoning, and food or water born diseases.

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