September 29, 2011

Lung Cancer?

Back from visiting the vet with Dr Jean-Paul Ly the senior director at balestier road in Animal Recovery Center. He seems to be very pro and lots of certicates hanging at the walls. During the consultation, i dont even know when he talked to me when he talked to his staffs. Dr Ly gave nicki 3 X-rays and found that her food swallowing pipe to her stomach swollen and stuck that's why whatever nicki eats she cant digest and vomitted out. And possibly having lung cancer due to her age. He also gave her a blood test, i dont know the results yet, and a jab for antibiotic, he also recommend me stop feeding food from asian as their foods ingredients might change and whatsoever so he recommend me to purchase Addicition from New Zealand, they packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber to enhance well-being and vitality. For more information, you can go to Yes, i'm gonna change the brand for mylittleprecious one, for her own health. Total bill which costs me $700++, monthly i still need to bring her back for check up whether there's any improvement. Now, whenever we feeds her, she has to stand to digest the food down to her stomach, to prevent her food stuck in between the pipe and stomach, my poor little girl. But i really do want to praise my dog that she's really a brave girl, not afraid of injection:):)
After visiting the vet, along the balestier rd, there's this garden call Zhong Shan Garden. We played over there with nicki, alright, so much of wordings now let the photos tell the story how joyful we are.
So let's introduce mylittleprecious Nicki, its been with me for like 11years? an old dog i know but she still a baby to me...

 Look at nicki's idiotic eyes O.O

 Fionn and Dawn

 The stupid sisters

 Gotcha, the little one at the back

 My right photo - the leg i know its kinda gross, sorry for irritates ur eyes

 Sisters - Me, with fionn and nicki

Pose of the day
Sorry for the photos i edited the contrast so its kinda blur? not sharp, its taken from my iphone.

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