October 20, 2011

1/2 + 1/2 = 1

I'm so excited about my Bali trip. 2 more months to go, i should put it 1month 15days to our 5years anniversary. I've do more research on Bali luxury private villas instead of i've post previously here. I think i shall change the place of staying.

Back to the topic.

Boyfriend spend all his free time just to accompany me. I have so much to say but do not know where to start. Just like today, BF sacrifices his time for me, sweet little things he done for me means alot to me. He wanted to watch 1911 but i wanted to watch Johnny English Reborn so ended up, i win :)

We went to grab some junk food for movie, see my happy greedy BF. Seriously, i cant resist from his smile. I wonder why he can be so charming?

I dont need friends, i dont need anyone else, i just need 1 BFF ( boyfriend forever / bestfriend forever ) which is my BF since nobody always be there for me nor remembered me, so there's nothing for me to stay here so I've decided my BF suggestion, after married i'll be going china with him to be 'taitai' and clean up his 4storey apartment.

WTH!! No way..

I'll be looking after our kids and let the maid do the house chores instead. I love my BF everything but the only thing i hate about him is he loveeeeeeees to criticize me!
While, i have no time to think others but our future. What i can do is to ignore, sooner or later, BF can replace them all. I do not want to say these but i feel abandoned but have to do these.


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