November 2, 2011

Go Nude

Lady in Black? Clean White? Electric Blue? Chilli Red?

I've been tired of all these colours and there goes i'll go nude.
Hey, i don't mean naked, i mean beige colour.
Actually it's been some time nude colour its a trend for now, and i've been buying black tops and dresses, glitter nails extension and 2 tone blend colours.

Now, i've tried on my new beige colour on my nails from thefaceshop, its kind of orangey, not the kind i want, so i'll continue search for more nude colour. Its natural and will never overdone, looks so clean. My nails previously did extension so you can actually see my nails actually lining in between and my express manicure its not done in any shop so didn't manage to file properly but my nail colour is properly done.

Isn't it pretty?

My new beige outerwear from omose

BF came to my house after his school and bought me lunch while its raining. Thanks dear.
Cause BF really love catching up movies, we headed to AMK for 'The Thing'. It's about these explorers went to antartica and found the thing which is alien? this alien eats human and wrap inside thier stomach and suck their cells to inmitate humans alien? if anyone has being attacked by the thing's blood, it's kind of disease which will spread to another human and gradually the whole body, even face will form into the thing and for sure, burn to death. I would give 4stars for this movie but, you can try watching it?

I'm wondering however my BF smile, he looks dashing charming. Why is that so?
He always say i look ugly and old, keep using one kind of eyes look at me?! :(
I'm going to do teeth straightening real real soon. I cant wait to smile with my teeth, i always envy those beautiful teeth.

Do i really look old overall?
Maybe...... Mature?

Recently i'm addicted to cosmetics, variety of nail colours and skincare products. Oh, and winter wear. I would want to buy all at a time, if only i have the time for shopping. Seriously, i have a hard time shopping with BF, he doesnt love shopping but i do, extreme alot. Argh!! But, i dont care.
Due to floods in bangkok, CNY i cant go there for shopping, it's a tradegy for me which singapore products actually quite limited. I would love to travel to NYC for shopping too and experience the winter season.

I would end my blog for today with a lovey dovey photos

H.I.M = He Is Mine

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