February 22, 2012

My Birthday Cakes

This is my first cake of today
Hello kitty birthday cake from polar from my lovely colleagues, such a lovely once. The thoughts that count.
Most photos were taken at my colleague's phone so here are a few ones of my own.

Happy Birthday To Me
Happy Birthday To Me
Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday To Me
: )
Pardon me for the images, taken by my iphone
This month will be the last month working with this naughty yet pretty bad friend of mine.
Me and Christine

Personal gift from Sharon and Christine, my lovelies CSCs from JN

Nicely wrap in a lovelies box
I'm using it to put my cotton pads now :)

What's inside the box?
- Instant photo album
- Portable charger
- A pair of socks
- Pen with my name :)
Thank you so much, received with loves

My second cake of today
My favourite cookies and cream from bakerzin from my sister

I'm wearing my pj, hahas :)

Me and sis

Making my wishes

1st wish : Hope everyone surround me to be in good health, everything go smoothly and happily always
2nd wish : (not to reveal)
3rd wish : (not to reveal)

Blowing off my candles and i'm officially 23 years old !!!!!

My last cake of today.
A gift from a friend from icing room

Chocolate moose on top with berry in the middle part, overall not bad

End here with my epic photo
Not a grand celebration afterall but at least they have my heart.

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