April 30, 2012

How To Be Beautiful?

It's gonna be a long words post but i think this is very useful for some people who wants to be beautiful!
There are 11 steps to follow and some warnings to take note.


  1. 1
    Be confident. There is no point sitting in your bedroom worrying over your looks. You can put a change to it and there are ways of bringing in confidence. Walk with your back straight, and don't slouch. Have a positive outlook on everything. Be confident in your looks. You are beautiful no matter what in your own way.
  2. 2
    Be clean and hygienic. Bath or shower everyday, and wash hair frequently. Do not leave hair more than 3 days - it could turn very greasy or flaky!
  3. 3
    Find a different haircut and purchase hair products. Try a hairstyle to suit your face shape - and have it cut at a salon professionally. Not only will this be more accurate, the style will frame your face properly, the stylists will help pick a style with you to suit you, and the products used will be much better. Side swept bangs suit every face shape so they are a safe bet if you are confused. Try an edgy short haircut! Try out products like:
  • scrunching jelly
  • mouse
  • straightening cream
  • heat protector serum or spray
  • hairspray
  • gel (for wearing hair up)
  • hair accessories
  1. 1
    Wash face and moisturize. If you wear make-up, remove it properly with make-up remover. Cleanse the face with facial wash (this will help with spots), try a spot cream if you get acne often, and moisturise skin either daily or occasionally.
  2. 2
    Keep nails in good order. Grow them. But while you're waiting, try dipping them in olive oil each night, this will help build strong nails and heal cuticles. (Be sure the olive oil stays on your cuticles for 2-3 minutes.) Why not jazz them up a it with some pretty pastel-pale colored, sensible nail polishes? French manicure is always most effective. False nails are over-rated in the opinion of many, but maybe file or buff occasionally to also keep them neat.
  3. 3
    Try a little makeup. If you're under 18, it's best to keep it toned down. If you have acne, then consider foundation - but make sure it is the same colour and tone as your skin, and wear the color powder over the top. For an easier option, apply concealer which matches your skin colour. Try covering under-eye circles in the same way. Add Vaseline to your lips and lightly add pink to your cheeks for a rosy glow (then add a little Vaseline for a 'glow'). Try a little bit of mascara. Don't go as far as false lashes, and make it look natural, yet noticeable. Always make sure you look natural - and don't wear any more make-up than that except from special occasions with your parents approval.
  4. 4
    Be a nice, sweet person. If you are horrible on the inside, then it will show on the outside. Be nice to people, share your things, and work hard in lessons.
  5. 5
    Smile. Smiling makes you look more attractive. When somebody catches your eye, sweetly smile. Be polite to people - and nice.This looks a lot more attractive than frowning.
  6. 6
    Brush your teeth! Try out mints for good breath, and a little teeth whitener but don't over-do it.
  7. 7
    Dress nicely. Instead of wearing boring trousers, try out skirts (not too short!) and long socks or tights or leggings, but don't look tarty. Alternately, try a classy scarf and some earrings - and if you're sticking to the 'classy' category, hoops aren't recommended, studs are a better idea.
  8. 8
    Don't become obsessed with looks. It's what's on the inside that counts.
  9. 9
    Wash your face twice a day, and moisturise with a good, suitable lotion, and make sure to comb and brush your hair too.
  10. 10
    Eat healthy and exercise! Stay fit! Make sure to play or get outside at least 60 minutes a day and eat healthy! Exercise doesn't have to be boring - try swimming, or dancing, or horse riding, or walking, cheerleading, Wii Fit or even yoga or martial arts. Fruits and Greek yogurts help a lot, and try to stay away from fatty foods such as cake, candy, ice cream, etc.
  11. 11
    Colour coordinate your clothes! Wear brown if your eyes are blue, and blue if your eyes are brown, this will make them POP! Opposites attract.


  • Don't over do yourself, make sure you are satisfied with your looks, and if that "certain someone" starts noticing you, say "Hi", don't be shy or he will just move on, and you don't want that!
  • Everyone has a different idea of what beauty is. Even if you don't consider yourself to be beautiful, someone does.
  • Remember if someone says that you're ugly it doesn't mean it's true.

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