May 3, 2012

Angela's 23rd at Cineleisure KBuffet

It's another gathering with gfs and so coincidence it's one of us birthday. Because all of us love singing so we planned our gathering plus celebration at orchard cineleisure kbox at level 8. I was too excited to meet up with my gfs but didnt manage to take pictures at new kbox buffet which alr renovated. It was much high-end look than before, and we started out k-session with buffet from 7pm till (9.45pm for buffet) 11pm which was like $30 per pax, worth it right? Oh, plus complimentary birthday cake bcuz the birthday girl is kbox member plus its her birthday with further discount.

The above pictures are our food plus birthday cake!!
Lets sing her a song before i post the pretty birthday girl photo up.

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To Angela
Happy Birthday To You

Do you know why i use blue for this birthday song? Cuz she loves blue :D
ps. Angela, i got ur heart not?

Here goes the photos... Sorry for those photos i'm using iphone black so image not very nice.
I promise i'll get myself a better camera soon.

Serene and Angela

Me with Angela

Angela and Michelle

Melissa and Angela

Wendy and Angela

My GFs since secondary school which was like 8years friends? I think more than that...

I dunno why i will twist, spoiler me. LOL

Now my turn to snap photo with them one-by-one.

Its the end of the day, i left earlier cuz meeting my sis home together.
Well, next thursday will be our gatherings again. I hope every thursday will be our meet-ups, it would be great hanging up with them, the girlie affairs, my favourites.

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