May 7, 2012

My Beloved Chivas

As some of you have been following my blog, my twitter or my facebook knows that i have a puppy in china which i and bf bought him back along the street. He hardly bark cuz we dote him alot which he need not bark for food nor any abuse, till now, he should be about 5months.

Isnt my puppy chivas god damn cute?

Well, bf give me a bad news today. He said that he's not ready to tell me ytd, perhaps we went swimming so he doesnt want me in a bad mood whole day. His grandma ring up to him just now, and told him that chivas followed his dad out whereas he's dad unaware. Than his dad reverse from his car to go for work, he doesnt know that chivas is just right behind one of the wheels until the neighbour heard chivas barking and saw, immediately the neighbour stop his dad and chivas pronounced dead on the spot!! And the fucking beast neighbour took my poor deadly chivas home to cook and eat. What the hell!! The neighbour was thinking since its already dead so might as well cook and eat which my dog is healthy ones unlike the wild dogs. Fuck you hard, really!! Its just a puppy and its dead den immediately you took and cook it, doesnt you have a heart? Really a bastard lor!!! The fucking beast even cook ready ask bf's grandma wanted to have some meat of chivas? WHAT THE FUCK!! Stupid chinas!! Cold-blooded, heartless ones!! Of cause his grandma said she does not want. I curse you whoever ate my chivas you have serious stomach ache and puke. Its a revenge for my puppy.


Once BF told me chivas was dead, i nearly cry and damn sad but until he said was being cooked and eaten up by his neighbour, i cried out hard like its going to doomsday. How can you eat a puppy just like this? sigh

I thought i could bought chivas a necklace with name crave on it with a bell during the september when i go back, now, everything is too late. Should have bought it earlier when i first bought him back.

Chivas once went missing before when he went out with bf's mum to bank (i think) den chivas just went missing (thought he might just wanted run away from home) and he was found next day outside the door when his mum wanted to look for him again. From there, they NEVER allow chivas to go out anymore but didnt know that the stupid blur chivas followed his dad out....

Chivas, you're deeply loved by us. Remember your daddy and mummy alright?

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