July 18, 2012

Happy 48th Birthday, Mummy

Celebrating mummy's birthday with granny at restaurant for dinner and karaoke session. It is a must before food served, cam whore time !!  
My sister's mickey mouse iPhone cover i bought for her oversea. It's just too adorable to buy it whereas she loves mickey mouse so much and till now i didn't see Singapore selling it.

Snapshot of my brother accidentally, still, it looks great uh? Credits to me !!

Food served, Crispy Thai-style fried fish

Cereal prawns - cereals is much nicer than the prawns, even mummy only eat one prawn.

Tie Ban Lu Rou - deer meat?

Mummy's favourite dish - kangkong

Unwrapped time !! 
Not birthday present, but a birthday cake from my bf to mum.

Mango moose cake from bakerzin with my mum.

Granny, Mummy, Me and my crazy sister at the back. I squeeze to my mum so near cause i saw my brother zoom in the camera so i thought it would be very close-up, ended up it looks like this -.-!!!

Family portrait - added brother in this time.

Just find this angle of mummy looking so beautiful and natural, because she normally look fat and fake, lol.

Cant get a snap when mummy making a wish, and blow candles and ended the birthday till here?

Of cause not, we went to teo heng at sembawang shopping center for karaoke session, without granny. Look at my sis's hand, holding ruffles, how can not be fat? 

Before entering to the room, we found this at the entrance of the shopping mall. It's a play dough different culture of wedding sets.
We have traditional malay wedding style; which my mum said it belongs to my sis's.

Traditional indian wedding style

Last but not least, our traditional chinese wedding style.

Isn't it cute? 

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