July 7, 2012

Happy 24th Birthday, My Love

Finally i've dye and cut my hair, feel so much neater now. Everyday work from day-to-night,night-to-day and i've lose my weight to 51kg!! I thought that i will never return back my weight ever since my surgery. Now, i'm just so happy :D

It's another year of BF's birthday. He's officially 24yrs old but look at his kiddish look. We did not celebrate his birthday as we both are busy, but as his gf, i went over to look for him. Luckily he don't mind, but i'll give him a little surprise the next time. Thought of buying him a cake tmr? \

H A P P Y   B I R T H D A Y   D E A R

Not missing a day, we went to catch a movie at nex serangoon.

Painted Skin II

I'm heading out to garden festival tmr with my sis and bf at suntec convention.
I'm excited to see those beautiful botanical garden. Stand-by my camera!!! GoodNight

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