October 1, 2012

Egg Salad

Egg is a good source in proteins, minerals and vitamins yet high in cholesterol. It's also an important nutrient for brain development mainly found in the yolk. Pregnant woman can include egg yolk in their diets to enhance their babies' brain development. Eggs also contain zinc which helps to maintain a healthy immune system, a powerful antioxidant which prevents cell damage from free radicals.

Let's start !!! Let's start !!!
What you will need it's only just eggs, crabsticks and mayo. Yes, it's just so simple.

Let's start cooking now !!!

Boil water in saucepan to cook eggs till hard-boiled.

See that enlarged pores on the egg? Use that to mashed for the salad.

Cut them into halves using knife

Look for those egg yolk which doesn't have egg white to hold them. Like the one at 12 - 3o'clock point. If all are perfect ones, take a couple of halves egg for salad dressing.

For those perfect ones, slowly and gently dig the yolks out.

A little leftover yolks it's okay

WAIT !! 
we need those yolks and eggs which can't hold the yolks into a bowl.

Before you mashed the eggs, we need 1 tablespoon of mayo, than mix together.

Using folks to mashed easily.

For those who afraid too much mayo taste like me, shredded the crabsticks using a pair of scissors. Make sure you cooked the crabsticks first and let it cool beforehand.

Mix them well

Using a tablespoon to fill the empty egg white holes g e n t l y. Else, the egg white might get will split easily.

Now, you can serve them in either like this

You can garnish with a prinkle of black pepper on top and a toothpick each with mini triangle flag on the edge on top.

or like this

with much leftovers

It's great for parties, events, breakfast, light dinner, high tea and finger food for kids.

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Ingredients Needed: (1-2servings)
4 eggs
4 crabsticks
1 tablespoon of mayo

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