October 6, 2012

My First Time, My Sweet Memories

I was packing my messing table since i went oversea till now, i decided to pack my table area (partially only, haha) and the past presents, letters, photos taken, neo-prints etc i found in one of my drawer from my bf. It's a sweet memories for me and thought of sharing with you people who appreciate, with me and perhaps might be your next ideas for your love ones to show a little love token to them.

Not all photos are re-taken from my camera, because i save it on my wedding montage. lol. 

Arm-pit shirt and white jeans. His favourite armpit shirt till i ask him stop wearing that, so he wear it to sleep instead. I remembered that he waited for me end work and brought me to partyworld and this photo is our first date. And inside was very cold, and he act one kind he not cold but he kept shiver alot when he sing high pitch as if he can't sing. But indeed he's very cold. He pulled his friend along his friend along, cause he shy. 

We knew each other while we working in grand hyatt singapore. We are at back lane in our uniform. This was taken in year 2006. Oh, when i knew him, he already wearing braces. Haha, i look like this back then...

This was taken during we're working in grand hyatt singapore again but it's outdoor for F1 event. 

After we ended our work, and we went up to sky terrace take photo where singapore flyer are. Bf look like aunty here. lol

His ever first time staying over at my place. He played a role of being our "sister" wearing our wig. lol. He secretly came into my room in the middle of the night where my parents asleep. 

When he wore braces time... His friends in singapore disturbed him said when we do french kiss does we get hooked? lol. Actually it hooked on my hair once or twice only.

This was taken when we go for playing a role in extras.

There's more cmi photos of me, shall post some days. This shows i get prettier as time goes by. Haha

And till now, his beautiful smile.

From then -- to -- present. His passport photo. I took and collected in my album.

Because i love roses alot, we secretly took the leftover roses after the banquet wedding ended. Since roses die very fast, we thought of doing something sweet because it's our honeymoon period. We does this together under my void deck.

His first ever present for me using all 5cent coins and afew 1cent coins. And he written "宝贝不哭,以后的日子我们一起幸福!". It means "baby don't cry, the rest of the life we get happiness together". Okay, i directly translate from chinese.

His first ever gift used money to buy. Each of us have one hanging with our key till now. 

This was taken when he uses candles to light up doing a heart shaped under my house at my window down there. He did this is i ask him do one. I think i really more sweet then him lo. He was under my house till my parents fell asleep than come up to my bed. 

I forgotten when was this, if i'm not wrong should be in year of 2010-2011. My bf is talent in drawing uh? :) Whenever he draw me, he will emphasis that mole under my mouth one lei.

I did this love voucher for bf. He can use one of these a day in a year for some favors.

I drew one. Now, i regretted drew so many babies. We planned to have 3 kids but now he decided to have 5 kids. I'm not a pig lei, and i really scare pain lo although i really love babies alot. I drew boy first cause i always wanted a big brother to protect his siblings, but now, is either girl or boy first it's alright for me as long as they are pretty and healthy (:

This song we will add to playlist when we go to ktv till now.

I drew this because i and boyfriend used to visit east coast park alot. Relax and chilled.

I have this till now. This was when i asked bf buy me a fake rose instead else roses he bought for me on valentines' day always dies in the end. 

I bought him a seiko watch on valentines' day and drew it at 5am because was the time i accepted him. 

Bf loves to watch movie so i drew an image of his favourites when he gives excuses to rest when he tired shopping with  me.

I have my necklace given from him till now.

Remember neo-prints we used to crazy with? I love neo-prints too, it's very in that time lo. So whenever there's any occassions, i will dragged him inside and forced him take with me else i will attitude him. We used to take in cathy cineleisure and bugis junction.

Our first neo-print taken which i wore that sweater.

After school, we were in the same balestier ite, we went as it's our anniversary date. The 5th !!

I shall bring bf to take neo-prints again. Omg, i missed it alot.

I used to call him 毛毛 , i also dunno why. Feeling said so.

And my first ever time wrote letter to him. I used alot heart to write and design loh.

He drew before he went china without me the last time.

My bf really so cute.

I did a extra big card for bf for v'day card because i'm already with him 2month plus, his mum still unaware of me. So, he can't hide this Big big card, than high chances his mum will noticed about it. haha (evil thoughts) My first ever v'day with bf and i did this card to bf.

But ended up, he hide under his bed but he also quite stupid. He forgotten that his mum will changed his bedsheet weekly and his mum saw it but she keep silent lah.

Okay, that's all. There will be more coming up (maybe,lol)
This is just a partial of it. From dec 2006 till now, REALLY alot things we have

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