May 11, 2013

Travel: Pulau Ubin 乌敏岛

My labour day was well-spent at pulau ubin which I've been living for 24years and this is my first time going there.

Pulau ubin is an island which is part of Singapore and is the only kampong left there. Travelled by ferry from changi village, around 5-10mins to the destination.

On our way, before we get very sweaty, messy and dirty, we took a nice picture of ourself.

Although I'm not at oversea but at least I've got myself to ease my stress from work at a stress-free environment surrounding with nature. Just by looking at the sea, really feel much relax now. 

The pier at pulau ubin.

First time first time, need take photo for memory. Haha

I look so man here with my broad shoulder.

If I'm not wrong, we rent this bicycle from 4pm-6pm is at $6 each. But depends which bicycle u riding.

Off we go...

I really feel so refresh and relax inside this beautiful green nature.

Along the way, I did not take any pictures because its really so freaking hard for me to cycle those steep and muddy paths. My back and front of my top are all covered with muddy. Seriously, I do not know why I can cycle till patten more than badminton. Lol

See... this is my artwork for my back.

Arrived at a resting area, we went for toilet break and capture a nice kampong bridge. That man standing there which i cant take without him.

My guy looking so handsome here. To reach this romantic, cosy and breeze place, you have to go through all those muddy, steep path and get dirty. 先苦后甜

Why i say is romantic because after this up and down roads, finally you get to see the most beautiful place. Sitting on the stone with your boy, listen to the wave, talking about your random stuff and aeroplane fly by... than capture the moment with the plane. lol

Joanne and me. Saw the aeroplane behind? That's what i'm saying.

Some random shots i've took

The footprints left behind

Seriously, i've gain weight. I look so round and fat here.

Live baby cockles

The water is freaking pretty blue.

Let's go home

The only kampong left in singapore

This taxi service so vintage.

It's really a beauitful sunset

Love you, my cheesy charming boy
Bye Pulau Ubin, will get back to you soon for fishing this time round.

Tranport Fare
Ferry $2.50 one way
Own bicycle to transport $2 one way

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