August 4, 2014

Bath and Body Works Sleep Sommeil lavender chamomile

Sleep Sommeil lavender chamomile S$21

I always have trouble sleeping at night after I moved in with my hub. I'm a light sleeper and he snores a lot (louder than thunder) plus he turns around in bed like as if I'm not sleeping beside him. That's really irritates me! 

Few months ago, i walked pass this newly open shop bath and body works located at marina bay sands, just as usual random window shopping browsing through the shop, and I notice this sleep sommeil aromatherapy. The mixture of lavender and chamomile scent attracts me more than believing this do actually helps to sleep well. Without any thought, I bought this(but because of the scent). 

I've done an experiment on my own to check whether this work. I applied the body lotion on my both hands and legs after shower at night. To my surprise, I sleep soundly throughout the night. I thought maybe that night I was too tired and did another test, it works! Sometimes, I am too tired that I forgotten to apply lotions and those nights I had terrible sleeps(thanks to hub), but I can't take it anymore!! So, I start applying the lotion again every night, and thank god!! I can really sleep well like it mention on the bottle plus the smell really amazing heaven. 

Yawn zzzZZZZ...  I've got to sleep now, goodnight!

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