July 23, 2012

Great Adventure

Hello peepos, I'm back from parents meeting just few days back. Enjoy reading and viewing these beautiful photos :)

Day 1 - 01.03.2012

Plane taking off at 08:55 at Changi Airport Termianl 1 C17
I love to be in the sky

Lunch in plane, love the honeyed sauce chicken rice

After 4-hours,plane landing at 13:00 at xiamen airport.

It's my first time leaving my house far far away. Before i fly to china, mummy was so worried saying that later will bf leave me alone in china than i will never get back home. lol

It's always never had enough of sleep if take the early flights. My journey is very long, 4-hours of flights but before that, 2-hours early to check-in, than another 4-hours of bus transport to reach bf's house. My ass already tired. After our planed landed, i went to the toilet in the airport.

Super hygiene loh. Think singapore should put this too, at least in airport for tourist, good impression mah.
Just press the silver button before you do your business, the plastic thing will automatically changed the full sheet one round. But now think back, dunno whether izzit reuse the same old ones.

While waiting for our baggage, dog patrolling and sniff those baggages


We had to cab to bus terminal to travel to his house as his dad's car lend to his friend, no-one can fetch us to 上杭 (shang hang), their hometown.
See how long we have to queue to taxi stand.


Driver's seat at left side

The building from a distance look misty, roughly can know how's the weather over there.

We have to go thru those mountains, hills and old style houses by bus but didnt manage to take pic because too tired and i need to sleep. The bus drop us somewhere near his house but was suppose to drop us at bus terminal, than his dad came to drive us here.

We waited here for his dad to fetch us. Another 5-mins to his house.

His house is 3storey plus roof-top. Although its 'ancient-kind' but its really comfortable and warmth from his family especially his mum.

View from outside his house

I dunno what should i call it, 'Balcony' but its open space.

First level where his grannies stay

Second level where others stay


Door from inside the house. I don't think they need keys?

View from outside the door but didnt manage to take a picture of the door from outside. But its somehow like this.

I googled these. The door is open two side with the knock.

Under one roof there's his parents, two grannies and his sisters. Before we had for dinner, there's some season fruits like strawberries, mini alike 'oranges', cherry tomatoes, longan etc. at the living which is very fresh. They don't put it in fridge cause the environment can cool these fruits.

That's also a yellow warmer fan

I get to snap a picture of bf helping his favourite granny to cut his fingernails, so sweet! I also want.

There's another 2 dishes but didnt manage to take the pictures. There's a whole duck, pork, whole chicken, fish soup, green vegetables etc. These are all cooked by his mum.

He has a really wonderful mummy. His mum also praise me that i'm pretty, and BF feels contented of cuz as well as me, meaning that his mum likes me.

During our dinner, i've learn how to toast and what's 同年( tong nian = same year ) For toasting, each of us has a small glass of drink, which mine is orange juice whereas others are Chinese wine. Than we have to stand up to toast with each other to greet with auspicious words before we drink, after the elderly settled down than u're allowed to sit. This is part of their culture.

His mum than prepared warmer for our bed which at first i thought I and BF have to sleep separately but to my surprise her mum even bought us new winter blanket and bedroom slipper. Where got so nice of mother and in-laws. lol

To celebrate BF's arrival, all his BFFs which grow up with him since primary school, went to his house and visit him as well as his 'tong nian' which means born on same day,month and year with bf and the family. The door is wide open and his friend and relative can just step into his house with their shoes on walk around.

Together with his BFFs, we went out nearby his house for some drink at KTV but its much spacious and there's personal restroom in every room which they called 包厢( bao xiang ). I thought I can understands and give in to them but not to my expect, his friends and him talks their language which I fucking dun understands!!! How can I communicate with them as I'm one to all?! I'm really very tired after this 12hrs journey as it's my first time. Urgh!!!! BF still dun wanna go home.

Still, I'll try to communicate with them but really nice making new friends from other county. He was drunk after get home and I'll do all the cleaning after he puke, than i can jump into his cosy comfy bed at about 12am plus

Day 2 - 02.03.2012

Woke up by BF at 6am plus. Why disturb me at such comfortable weather on comfy bed?! BF took me to stroll along his house area whereas initially we wanted to have our breakfast along the street but his dad went out earlier than us to buy breakfast.

On the way back home, BF bought his favorite dumplings along one of the stall

I love their streets but the only thing is the road is too wide and no traffic control. Cause I've sprain my ankle, so we shall walked back home. Back home at the living room, his dad already cooked breakfast for the family.

Pork meat and liver soup

What a rich breakfast i had in my life. Normally we will just have eggs, bread and milo.

Dunno why all his family members packed angbao for me. Both his parents, and grannies.

There's more here....

While bf deliver his gift to his friends, we went to hair salon had our hair washed with his sis and his friend.

The corner where they wash customer's hair.

After bf came back to fetch me, i went to a beauty store buy some beauty products.

These costs me RMB98~SGD19.60 2 boxes of eyelashes, 4 boxes of double eyelid tape and a powder brush.

Bf has so much event every single day, but, we went for tea session first.

'yun ge cha zhuang' opened by one of his good friend

Staying at the shop too long also nothing to do, bf decided to bring me around with 2 bikes to their park


up to the hill, nice garden

Tickets still need to pay for their childhood playground.

His friend infront of us, they freaking more scare than us

Bf brought me to strawberries farm which you can pluck them by yourself but you have to pay them.

My ever first time plucking strawberries myself

I look so much older and bigger size than bf, what the....

and these strawberries i've pluck weigh by grams, it doesn't cost cheap anyway.

Feeling a little hungry after a run around the hill, we went for some bites.

Don't look down on this old street, there's good food hiding inside.

This is my favourite, alike dumpling but much much more nicer. The pork is very tender and the skin of the dumplings is hand-made, super soft like tissue.

Dinner taken outside restaurant with his family, i didnt take the food cause bf say it's not nice to do this in front of elderly. After dinner, the whole family stroll along back streets from streets. I'm looking for flat boots but their sizes all so small, but lucky me, the last shop i've browse through do have my size. His mum just so nice that she went ups and downs to look for a pair of nice one for me. I'm so touched. Did i mention that his granny and a pregnant friend of his, accompany me walked streets to streets just for my footwear?

I'll just leave my steve madden wedge boot in china and i'll wear this back to singapore.

On our way home, we bought some duck wings, chicken feet back home for supper. Each of us have a small glass of wine to chit-chat. Seriously, i don't like toasting, if they get to drink means have to toast but at least i have to sit beside bf listen their unknown topics of conversations. His dad mentioned that he wanted to bring us to his dad hometown which they called it 'forest' the next day. So everyone went back to bed early for adventures the next day.

Day 3 - 03.03.2012

Woke up with 4 pimples on my forehead at 9am and his dad already prepared breakfast for us. Glass noodles with no fishy small fish balls, not as simple dish as you're thinking. China, they are really good at cooking skills.

We are heading out later but bf still can go out meet his friends, dunno why loh. But we went to wash hair again. I'm not lazy to wash, it's the weather just too cold that after shower, i wanted to get dress up. While waiting his dad to our destination, i went to a kids clothing boutique. Because they are selling season clothes so almost all are selling winter wear, so i only could only get shirt for him.

Bought this for cousin's baby cason.

Less than 30mins, we have reached his dad hometown, it's a new experience, ancient kampong style.

The ancient house from generation to generation

Outside is their farm where they grow rice.

We had our lunch over there, love their congee to the very max. Ingredients only Chinese mushroom but dunno why completely different. Eating with his parents that's why no photography, sorry.

Rooster, hen and chicks

The footsteps left here

Little chick caught by BF's sis's BF

Show you around inside of the ancient house


A very special place definitely none of us had experience.

The way to the loo, ancient enough?

The loo, where i urine on. I guess none of you have experience this. I have to walked on this thick wooden stick than once i get my position, squat in between that hole for business, be it big or small. No door, no flush but a cow looking at you. hahahaha

Rice bran before they peel of the shell. But of cause not hand peel but with a machine.

Before setting off, took some pictures with BF with the mountain behind.

This little boy stays here, same surname as me but forgotten his name. He don't smile always give this black face. He's my BF's bro's grandson. Its really generation to generation.

After we have reached bf house, we went off to meet his friends again. Remembered his family gave me angbaos? I intend not to used a single cents but to buy a memory from them.

I got myself a anklet chosen by bf :) Bf still have to top-up abit besides from the angbaos.

A satisfaction, a girt from his family and a memorable ones. His mum said i should not buy this kind of things, should ask bf buy for me in the future, and they will buy for me. OMG!! I do not need these lah *shy

The packaging is so nice that i have to buy one with the shiseido brand.

Also bought these sweets for my colleagues, I heart my hello kitty ones.

The only time didnt eat dinner with his family cause bf's friend is treating him dinner. After dinner, his friends came to his house for poker cards while i'm alone packing my stuffs.

and his cute granny came upstair to accompany me so sweet of her although we have communication problems. I talked my chinese, she talked her dialect.

After my little packing in the room and had my wash up done, his mum, his sis, his granny and me went to the dining area for random chat about our future. His mum told me that he wanted bf to stay in spore as well as in china more better and talk about in future bla bla bla. His mum just too kind that whenever i wanted to help do something but she will never allowed. Bf came in after his friends left and both bf and his mum praise me that i'm pretty unlike in spore. Perhaps the weather in china turn my skin to be great? haha.

Day 4 - 04.03.2012

Heading to meet his pals for breakfast as bf always mention me to her everytime. While i preparing to wear my lashes, i saw zero pores on my face. I can say bye bye to my blackheads and pores. I do not need any powder on my face but still looks beautifully and supple, all i need is just a pair of falsies and eyeliner. So good, i wanted stay in china during winter season, also i love to play with my air inside my mouth in the morning or late night, cause this is the only time i can see misty air came out from my mouth.

We visited the place where emperor used to stay

Whenever we pass by them, they will play the instrument to welcome you

with BF's friends

Because they have something on, so bf and i walked back home along the street .

Their kindergarden, so noticeable

Getting nearer to his house just before we cross the road, puppies for sales which caught my eyes.

RMB100yuan~SGD20 for one at 2months old

We both loves dog so we bought a puppy home and we called him chivas, named by bf. He wanted chivas like the name chivas strong.

After we placed chivas at home, we went to see his new apartment which still under renovating

His mum asked me to choose which room I want and I've chosen master room near balcony, I have my room soon which I can design myself, feel so blessed. His mum said the next day let's go and see our new furniture, and our theme for our room is white, as well as for my private bathroom. I can't wait to see our future room.

Everyday not a miss, meeting his friend again. This is their Chinese traditional culture, tea session.

Than went to cafe for snack, have some fun and chill at a bar with his friends.

with his best friends forever.
The night is still young, and we go for karaoke session.

to be continued....

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