July 23, 2012

Don't Let It End

Day 5 - 05.03.2012

His friend drove us for breakfast at about 10:30am for beef soup with 'mee goreng', taste average as I don't eat beef and we headed for a hair wash with massage. The weather is just too cold that whenever I get shower,I so wanted to leave the bathroom at once and get dress up.

Every noon, we need to rush back home for lunch if we're outside than again, we meet his friends for tea session. After which, we meet up bf's mum to shop for furniture at nearby his house. The furniture store categorize their products by a set to attract customers, like me.

Some designs that we are considering
Our rooms' ground it's in dark wooden color, with this grayish silver bedframe, it has this comfy feeling.

We love this sofa kind as Bf loves to watch television before sleep or I loves to browse through my favourite magazines when I'm bored, we can simply lie behind with this comfortable, spongy like a sofa bedframe, isn't it great?

And considering this as my dressing table.Bf has no reason to reject because it's not in pink, secondly, the stool can be placed back underneath without taking much space.

Today will be the last day staying at bf hometown, he brought me to their departmental stores for some snacks back to singapore before we meet his friends for tea session.

Improper way of doing this tea making with his ugly cigarettes.

Equipments for tea making.

Tea has been one of the daily necessities in china, usually they like to have them after meal.

Having this beef ball soup during winter but no snow, gives me the warmth. I never take beef cause i find it difficult to chew and swallow and i don't take meat balls, but this beef ball definitely make me fall in love with. It taste alike pork.

Dinner time at 6pm, got to rush back home for dinner with family again. Have a quick ones, my last night staying here, bf brought me out to put fireworks which i longing to do it with his friends. His friend came to his house and drove us to look for fireworks. because it winter period, not alot places selling those nice one but a few kinds only.

Shop selling assorted of fireworks

The bigger the box is, the bigger the fireworks are. BF bought me the biggest one.

Pink-purplish like small party hat is like the picture below, while the black spider box its like a tadpole and you light up the tail, throw far from you and 'pang pang', end. We bought this just to play for fun. All these we bought it at RMB80 ~ SGD16 super cheap deals.

like the concert kind.

Bf brought me to this river side to put up fireworks.

While bf preparing the fireworks, i had some camwhore with his friends.

with ah xiang (bf's best friend's wife)

with Bf's best friend

with 大头麻 they call her big head cause her head is the biggest among them, but after i join them, bf said now i'm the biggest head afterall :(

with Luo Yan

with Hua Ming

i was actually very scare that the fire will hit me.

Fireworks which is ours

While i was taking photo of these beautiful fireworks and video them down.........

yes.. bf holding this lovely cake from my back. I thought it will be just fireworks as my belated birthday gift but i was surprised by this little effort he had done for me.

Thanks dear for your everything

I sincerely thanks everyone who is in this pictures for their effort to celebrate with me although just less than 30mins. I appreciate the effort from them although they had something on after that. Why i have no such friends? lol Friends in china really very bonding and sense of obligation.

Finally a picture of us

While they have appointment then the remaining us went for massage.

They can smoke anywhere

Served with oranges

Not a must to change into this big ah ma short, but bf's jeans just cant pull up.

Look at bf's face expression and you will know how 'shiokness' the massage is. Even he cant tolerate, so am i? Less than 10mins, i've stop massage and i cried. Not even relax but add on more pain on me. So throughout the whole process, i soaked my leg into warm luke with chinese medicated powder.

Its really very cold at night, before heading home, we drove to nearby restaurant for some soup to warm up our body.

This is mine; pork ribs soup with herbs

and this is bf's one; snake soup.

But in fact i exchanged with bf after i tried for the very first mouth of snake soup in my life. I got the first bite of the meat, its texture and taste alike fish meat. By seeing it its really disgusting but i do not know why, i wanted to try everything there.

Once i got home, i played with baby chivas for awhile because i'm going to xiamen the next day and i might see him after half a year which is in september !!!!!

Day 6 - 06.03.2012

I had 2 bowls of pork meat soup at old street for breakfast. This is one of my favourites food.

After that, we went back home to pack our luggage and 4hours journey to xiamen. I'm alone going back singapore, bf and his best friend with his wife, luo yan, bf parents and one of his sister and her bf travel to xiamen together with me. While the others they need to work, so everyone of them came to bf house and bygones to me. See, i'm so touched, make me dont feel like come back singapore cause they are just too nice.

But before we set off, i have a family portrait first.

with his parents

with his cute grannies

Throughout the 4-hours journey i slept all the way, super tired.

Finally, we reached our destination at Xiamen and just in time for dinner. We not staying in hotel but in condominium hotel. I and bf stayed at the 23rd floor while others stayed at 6th floor cause the room theme is not vacant. Theirs is very normal kind but check out my room.

Love this big wide mirror

I believe this is every girl's dream of sweet roses wallpaper with white cabinet and white mattress sheet.

a mini corner for to chill with your friends at the couch.

very nice set of round table and chair.

Love this decoration of hotel kind lights

Sweet vintage mini lamp at the bed side.

Even back of the door also well-decorated. How can i not stay here.

Fake set-up fire corner, so cute

Tell me how can i not stay this room?! But the only disadvantage is the bed is too hard. In china, they can view the room before they make up their mind whether want to stay in or not. And you know much does this cost for the room? RMB150 ~ SGD30 !! Mad cheap, cause i'm lucky. lol

After we check in our luggage in our room, we went to have our dinner for seafood after taking so many meats at bf hometown. Sorry i didn't take any pictures of the food cause bf said it's not very nice doing this with their parents. But its really awesome. Food that even i'm bloated still i have to fill them all. We had like more than 30 bamboo clams, mini prawns in special chilli sauce, grilled butter crabs with full of golden eggs, herbal duck soup etc, i only can remembered these few. It costs about RMB600 plus which less than SGD140 for quantity and quality of seafoods.

The display settings everywhere in china.

I said quality because they are live fresh.

Its a must place to 码头pier at xiamen. After you take the boat for about 5mins to destination, that's the highlights.

with his sisters

Look at every different shops, they are unique in different concept unlike boring singapore shops. lol

haha, trying to steal together

than trying to steal this little doll outside a cafe alone, stupid face.

Look at how big is their kfc

tiny soccer balls for sweet memories shop

Silk world boutique

Shop without owner, walls and ceilings filled with full of love note pads, memory air-tickets etc. and i'm leaving down a memory of kiss with bf here for eternity.

look at them so cute, imitation one

I've heard that this hotel is just so special that every individual room has a different theme concept. What does it mean? It means, one of the room might be hello kitty theme, rilakkuma theme, fairy take theme etc.

couple and couple

ah xiang, me and luo yan

boyfriend and his bestfriend.

Billions of people looking for their dream valentine, countless of people still waiting desperately yet i've already found my life partner

photo taken from ah xiang's weibo. haha, bf and the pig stomach look very alike.

childish them action taking FAKE guns on them.

This mystery shop attract me to look further in, and i saw the sign board. Mango mango.

Look at this cute little wooden soldier, childhood toys.

I dunno what that big seafood but look at grilled sotong, 3 sticks for RMB10~SGD2

So much cute ever i see my bf imitates a cartoon. kawaii neh

one of the hotel

garden of flowers

Popular milk tea

Last photo over there before heading back to our hotel room.

On the boat, we start taking picture again

from left anti-clockwise; bf, me , tuo tuo, ah xiang, luo yan.

bf with his dad. Now i know why whenever bf smile he has crow's feet too.

bf with his parents

Bf's friends know that i love hello kitty, they brought me to sing karaoke with themes. Hello kitty large room theme already taken up.....

but they managed to get a medium hello kitty theme.
love this pink and white combination of the sofa

Hello kitty tv console

hello kitty room

its cute

pink touch screen monitor

Grilled chilli fish delivered from opposite our hotel to our room for supper, how i cannot grow fats? This is very famous food in china and best is no fishy smell.

Day 7 - 07.03.2012

Wake up slightly late than previous day at about 10:30am, we had seafood for lunch. You see, they can have supreme breakfast, lunch and more worst for dinner. When my eyes wide open, i eat non-stop. The food is really can't resist from my temptation. If i have picture them down than you will believe me.

last photo with bf before i'm flying after meal.

Due to insufficient of time, after our breakfast cum lunch, we went to 老虎城 tiger city for some last min shopping. Ended up i didnt get any clothes but some little stuffs from those lovely shops.

Now i know why bf wanted to go back home so much whenever he's on vacation.

bf mummy bought this for me. so sweet, the thoughts that counted.

Time is running up, i have to reach airport by 3pm to check-in my luggage. Unbearable moment starts here.

Still have a little time, we went to buy drumsticks at kfc. See what they have from their menu.

bf's mummy bought me this sweet throughout my 4-hours journey back home, isn't it sweet?

Never did I expect that I will tear when apart from their parents and friends, making me feel like finding reasons not to go back work.

inside the airport alone.

i'm taking off. bye bye xiamen,china

i'm taking late afternoon flight, so i get to see sunset earlier then all of you above the cloud :)

beautiful sunset

Dinner on plane. Lucky i'm all alone and i literally cried at the corner for awhile, can't hold back my tears. Miss every single one of them especially bf and his family.

to be continued....

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