July 23, 2012

Far and Away

This is the period in april, this time i'm flying there alone and bf fetch me from xiamen cause i've quitted my job. Pictures speaks a thousands of words.

Lunch in plane

Finally i've reached my destination.

Small bottle of sprite, so cute

Famous grilling BIG chicken wings at xiamen

The streets at xiamen, along lao hu chen

Did my nautical gel extensions. Not satisfied services and being done. Regretted didnt do full of diamonds

Outfit Of The Day - Turquoise tiger printed chiffon tiger top with gold-chained

Outfit Of The Day - This summer season 2012, bring back the denim

Outfit Of The Day
I love my new boots lots which i bought over there, still its in cold weather

Miss my baby chivas, he always love to sleep at the sunny place to keep himself warm

The air-pollution in china really very bad, in need to do lots of mask and deep cleansing and of cause, i've gain weight. Time to on diet after back to singapore.

Karaoke with his family members with this two cute children. They are really obedient and sensible.

BF is stepping the map of china

Little Bin

Jump 1

Jump 2

Final Jump

Dead leaves yet still artistic. I'm stepping inside Mao Zhe Dong used to present speech inside?

The title its read from right to left

there will be more photos coming up...

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