July 24, 2012


After the first beef steak we had at nex serangoon, now he keep wanting to eat beef steak -.-!!! So we had our lunch at yishun northpoint at breeks.

Current promotion they are having now.

Bf's 70% cooked ribeye steak
I ask for 2 mouth from bf, it's taste so tender also easy chew. I never had great beef before.

Mine cajun chicken chop
I like the pancake-like fries, full of potatoes. 

Cream of mushroom

Ice passionfruit tea

Brownie and vanilla ice cream

Recently i'm fall in love in brownie with vanilla ice cream alot, it's a perfect match to put them together. It's awesome delicious. I used to eat brownie first than finished up the ice cream but bf taught me to eat together, BEST !

And this whole thing costs me SGD30plus, great deal. Enjoy your meal at breeks:)

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