January 13, 2013

A Perfect One

It's been so long I've attended birthday party. I'm so happy to help up my cousin's baby FIRST birthday party cuz I really enjoy the moment decorating and preparing.

*all the photos are taken from iphone

We celebrated under her block whereas its very convenient to everyone, most importantly, its much cheaper than renting a chalet after buying party stuffs like balloons, hats, decorations, buffet, bbq food etc. As a closest cousin to her, i and my sister volunteer to help her up with everything. Seeing everyone so happy, i'm happy too.

I'm also thankful to the god, the rain stops when the party is going to start and i guess the god heard us singing "rain rain go away, come again another day, little children want to play." God helps good people like us, helping a birthday boy celebrating his first birthday party.

Cason's mummy also the organizer of the day. Mummy,好伟大

We have handful of balloons to decorate the whole place.

Bibi, their dog also having fun with us, but we somehow neglected him.

We self made our own photobooth area, isn't it beautiful?

We lined the balloons along the railings.

The buffet corner

Fried noodles

Cereal prawns

Fried fish

Fried chicken wings

Tofu prawn

Mushroom vegetables

Curry vegetables

Otah otah

Mango pudding

Our BBQ pit
Ingredients are; chicken wings, stinray, satay, hotdogs, crabstick and fresh prawns

Enough of food and other pictures, now BIG welcome our birthday boy driving his GTR to the party.
If i'm having a boy in future, i also wanna get this remote car for my boy. Mad cute!!

Baby had get enough of sleep and it's time for party and photo-taking session!
It's a BLUE themed for this party.

Finally, the organizer has the time to eat, pity her. But this is the effort and love from a mummy to her son. So sweet! I believe i will be a wonderful mummy too, in future.

Happy boy playing bubble himself. So he will be wearing RED so he will be the limelight of the night.

Even bibi love this party too! He's smiling :)

Here comes the BIG Big big birthday cake. Isn't cute? Still got choo choo train one, than on top the hole put candles like so pretty so bright one. Its a fruit cake with very nice soft pastel baby blue color.

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To Cason
Happy Birthday To You

The party ends, everybody already K.O. and left the only one eat eat eat all by himself. Applause for him *claps claps* 

Baby Cason helps to stack up the chairs. Such a muscle boy at only age of 1. So proud of him and walks very well although he bua tuo (fall down) alot due to his heavy pampers i think. lol

I end my post with a picture of my daddy and mummy

It's a wonderful night and next year is my turn holding birthday party with my kids. Hee, so eggcited!!

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