January 6, 2013

My 2013 Handbook

Thank you and goodbye 2012, a big welcome to 2013. I am really happy for who I have, things happen around me and the loved I got from them. 

I didn't really plan what I want in my life and I only say for the sake of saying but I guess I never did once what i want. So, I'm here jotting down for this year onwards to reflect myself as I'm turning 24 this year. I can't believe I'm getting so old now!


1. Earn More Save More
Never in my life really save money. I always earn how much spend how much. I'm planning for my future sake, i need to earn more save more. But, i've alr negotiate with bf that i need shopping every month twice. Can't be just save save save but can't pamper myself at times right? (Must work hard, play hard mah.)

2. A beautiful smile
I have a crooked teeth which forever bothers me. If you have notice my photos are all same, that's because my teeth is awful enough to show out. I intend before i get married, i'm going for a ceramic braces or invisalign because i want to smile naturally happily. (I am really scare of visiting dentist)

3. Get married and build my own family
I always wanted to have a complete, sweet and loving family and every morning wakes up seeing bf sleeping besides me and every night before sleep, a goodnight kiss from him. So sweet! And for a crowded and noisy family, we want to have many many children playing and running around. (Hinting my bf and dunno whether will he read my blog)

4. Go to the places I've never been to
Maldives is always the place i ever want to be. Heard that it's going to sink so i must grab a chance to travel there for honeymoon if possible. Else, i even want to go to Japan, Taiwan, Seoul, Koh Samui etc. (Hope at least i get to one place)

5. Learn something new
Learn to be a good mummy, good wife, good daughter-in-law. Most importantly, i want to be a chef for my family. (I really love to cook especially to my love ones)

6. Be the prettiest
Smile and laugh more and literally your smile is the most beautiful ones. And life is too short to hate anyone nor waste your precious energy on gossip. Easy forgive and forget, this will lead everyone peace. 

So far i've think of 6points i wanted to do since 2012 is not the end of the world. I hope 2013 will be a better one for me. Gambateh!!

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