February 10, 2013

Reunion Dinner CNY初一


How did you guys celebrate your Chinese New Year? For me, i'm really really very grateful and happy in this 2013. Finally, my family and his family meet for reunion dinner.

Steamboat dinner after having lunch at grandma house.

mummy, daddy, me, my-to-be-husband, his dad, his mum

Like finally after 6years, they had settled our engagement in may which falls on his graduation day. Double happiness. How i can't be happy you tell me.

We have so much laughters and more on talking on us about our marriage. Than bf sis also getting married soon so we 'so called' argue who wants to marry first, and i insist wanted to marry this year. Cause they have this culture that they can't have two children marry in the same year.

Well, for now, we need to do some research on weddings etc.  
It's a short post on the first day of CNY.

Here's wishing all of you

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