February 13, 2014

The day before Valentine's Day

An outlet gathering to Jumbo at East Coast Park for our lo hei session to welcome a brand new year and wishes everybody things go smoothly throughout the year.

Step 1: All at the table offer New Year greetings.
Words: 恭喜发财 “Gong Xi Fa Cai” meaning “Congratulations for your wealth” or 万事如意 “Wan shi ru yi” meaning “May all your wishes be fulfilled”.
Step 2: Fish, symbolising abundance or excess through the year, is added.
Words: Nian nian you yu 年年有馀 and You yu you sheng 由于有生
Step 3: The pomelo is added over the fish, adding both luck and auspicious value.
Words: 大吉大利 Da ji da li.
Step 4: Pepper & Cinnamon Powder is then dashed over the ingredients in the hope of attracting more money and valuables.
Words: 招财进宝 Zhao cai jin bao.
Step 5: Then oil is poured out, circling the ingredients to increase all profits 10,000 times and encouraging money to flow in from all directions
Words: Yi ben wan li 一本万利 and 财原广进 Cai yuan guang jin.
Step 6: Carrots are added to the fish indicating blessings of good luck.
Words: Hong yun dang tou. 鸿运当头
Step 7: Then the shredded green radish is placed on the fish symbolising eternal youth.
Words: Qing chun chang zhu. 青春常驻
Step 8: After which the shredded white radish is added – prosperity in business and promotion at work.
Words: Feng sheng shui qi 风生水起 and 步步高升 Bu bu gao sheng.
Step 9: Chopped Peanut bits are dusted on the dish symbolising a household filled with gold and silver. As an icon of longevity, peanuts also symbolise eternal youth.
Words: 金银满屋 Jin yin man wu.
Step 10: Sesame seeds quickly follow symbolising a flourishing business.
Words: 生意兴隆 Sheng yi xing long.
Step 11: Deep-fried flour crisps in the shape of golden pillows is then added with wishes that literally the whole floor would be filled with gold.
Words: 遍地黄金 Bian di huang jin.
Step 12: All toss the salad an auspicious 7 times with loud shouts of “lo hei” 捞起 and other auspicious New Year wishes.
Words: Lo hei 捞起 which is Cantonese for “tossing luck”.
Lets get ready...

Huat ahhhhhhh !!!

Before my hands get full of chilli sauce, selfie time :))

Singapore Signature Food, Chilli crab

Golden bun

 Cereal prawn

Iron plate toufu 

 Steamed soon hock teochew style 

 kale dish

kang kong 

Unglam photo of me with a mountain of crab shell and last mouth of cereals...

How i wish i can day day eat my seafood without getting fat and inorganic salt. 
Happy valentine's day to all 

Blk 1206 East Coast Parkway 
#01-07/08, East Coast Seafood Centre, 
Singapore 449883

 Service alittle not satisfied.

This meal costs us about $600plus for about 9-11pax

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