March 21, 2013

Japanese Food Fair

I'm not an expertise on food description but I really love the hokkaido potato crogrette from Japanese food fair at Jcube (Jurong East).

Inside, after one mouth. 

Yummy Yummy yum yum *drooling*
It sell at 1 for $3, 3 for $8 and 4 for $12 (free 1 somemore) Lol. How can don't buy you tell me.  

Not only there's Hokkaido potato and crabcream croquette, there's assorted flavors like squid, prawn, potato with cheese etc. while saying, I'm drooling. But almost all out of stock very fast, the Japanese chef will be very busy (indeed really really very busy) frying all of them to replenish. Yes yes, frying on the spot. Isn't it fresh and great?

Soy sauce ramen

Yes, I've cook this myself. Although the appearance doesn't seem to be attractive but who cares, as long as its nice.

Singapore we have instant noodles, and Japanese they have instant ramen. I bought it at 1 for $6, 4 for $24 (free 1 packet) and 8 for $48 (free 3packets), divided into 11packets is $4.36/packet. It's more worth it and since it can be stored like more than a month in fridge and a week in room temperature.

The packaging comes like this.
I bought soy sauce flavor and seafood flavor which I've tasted the sample. There's another miso flavor.

Soy sauce flavour

Seafood flavour

Seasonings and fresh ramen.

The ramen need not need to wash, just like our Maggie mee. The Japanese chef taught me to use boiling water pour into a bowl with ramen.

Than put in microwave for 3mins.

Lastly add your seasoning.

Stir well.

 For my plain ramen, i added prawn and crabstick with it.

That's it. Simple dish yet yummy and it japanese food. I can be a chef of ramen alr. Hee. Somehow it looks like prawn mee leh. lol

Seriously, really have to head down at least take a look. You will never regret. If I'm not wrong, the fair should be held up for 1-2weeks. They not only sell corgrettes and ramen, they have others dried food and bottles of drinks, ice cream etc. and other hot food.

Jurong East MRT
Jcube shopping mall
Level 1 near Macdonalds.

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