July 25, 2014

Buffet Town

Frankly speaking, hubby and I had no idea when is our last time we had buffet. We decided to have buffet at buffet town located at raffles place. I went to google for price and address fyi. 

We paid $43 per pax include gst and service charge. Kinda expensive but once in a lifetime, worth the price. It's unlimited intake of any kinds of food and drinks with no surcharge. You are able to take a walk/break outside and head back for second round. From fresh seafood and sashimi to variety of food served.

Fresh cold prawn, crayfish, mussels. Prawnnnnnnnns

Fresh live oyster from the US. The chef open the shell on the spot and it's unlimited! 

Fresh sashimi prawn, Kani sushi, beancurd skin sushi, prawn sushi and fresh sashimi salmon. It's the first time I had sashimi prawn in my entire life and I love it. 

Chilli crab and seafood pizza. I don't like the chilli crab, the sauce taste sour. But I'm lucky to get pincer:))

Roasted potatoes, grilled banana, beancurd sushi and braise butter corn. My favourite here is the drilled banana.

Fresh cold Scallop. Like tasteless lei.

So, this's my second round... 

I just can't get over this fresh oyster, I thought I couldn't eat this super raw seafood, this shows that it's really fresh and nice. Of cause, match with the chilli sauce they provided. There's different kinds of chilli to your taste. 

Marshmallow chocolate fondue 

Strawberry jelly

Asked hubby to take a picture inside, some of their setting/display looks great.

Grilled banana again, fried French beans, fried prawn, satay.

Banana fritters 

Fresh cold fruits

Waffle with maple syrup and honey to try.

His satisfied face

Nope, that's not my nail polish, it's an art from hubby using the remaining chocolate. It's shows that his arts needs to be improve. 

Bloated tummy after a heavy dinner, we stroll along our house void deck before heading home. While he had his puff...

I had my camwhoring time:)) Daisy necklace from tailsman.

And lastly, us ♡

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